HI THERE! we are cidney and sarah. the blog world has inspired us all throughout the past year, so here WE are now to share our fashion story (cheesy, but we love CHEESE!).
We thought you would love to know a little more about us, so what better way to be introduced than to describe one another:
Cidney: bubbly, loves to sing, enthusiastic about pretty much everything, AWESOME creative unique style, food craving, smart, funny, weird too, angel voice, laughing constantly, earth-loving-recycling-crazy-but-not-really-crazy-nature-lover, creative, sneaky at times, obnoxiously LOUD, urbanoutfitters.com-obsessed, 100% trustworthy, best friend ever.
Sarah: Though sometimes off key, Sarah loves to sing out loud, especially the Arthur theme song! She is a quick one on the track field, running around and around like a dog chasing its tail (except much bigger circles). Her idea of having fun is either rocking out like a Rolling Stone on guitar hero or sitting in front of her mac, gazing at all of the stellar metallic gladiators and articles of clothing constructed from denim that the internet has to offer. She enjoys photography. In fact, her favorite class is 6th period photography, but mostly because her best friend, Cidney, is with her :) . THANKS FOR READING ABOUT SARAH. SHE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH! SHE APOLOGIZES FOR THIS ENTRY BEING SO LENGTHY.
PEACE, LOVE, OBAMA (once again we love cheese)

Sarah, left. Cidney, right.